This is authentic Hermes 35cm Black Ardennes with gold hardware, auctioned out by a reliable YJ seller.
Ardennes leather has been discontinued by Hermes, but its beautiful appearance and extremely sturdy, indestructible quality of the leather continues to attract many Birkin fans. 'F' stamped for the year 2002, yet this is in a near mint condition. It looks almost brand new and flawless everywhere, except for tiny scratches on the metal studs on the bottom. Belt and metal buckles at its entrance are covered with protective film. Comes with clochette, cadena, keys, rain cover, protection box and bags.
It comes in a popular 35cm size that you can use for everyday life and love for a long time.
Although in a good condition, this is an used item, read descriptions carefully and ask ANY questions if you are in doubt.
This seller also has a great selection of high-end brand items, especially CHANEL.
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